LLOYD MATTHEW THOMPSON was raised in a strict religious household, home educated from second grade through graduation, and the oldest of nine children. He has since explored, experienced, and been shaped by many other pathways, including Buddhism, Shamanism, Paganism, and New Age. Whether writing, painting, drawing or teaching, reflections of all these can be found in his work.
He has written for various metaphysical and holistic blogs and magazines, both locally and globally. He is the author of the nonfiction works Lightworker: A Call to Authenticity and The Natural Healer’s Guide, as well as the fiction works The Healer and Aura.
Lloyd is presently working on the companion book to Lightworker, entitled Energyworker: A Call to Empowerment—if the other stories in his head will let him.
His future plans include many short stories, novels and nonfiction.
Lloyd currently lives in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, with his wife, his eleven-year-old triplets, his four-year-old daughter, and his two cats named Akasha (the vampire queen) and Buffy (the vampire slayer).
One can imagine how those two four-leggeds get along.