Starfield Press is no longer publishing unsolicited submissions, but is still as focused on spiritual,
metaphysical, and evolutionary material as ever, pressing onward to the farthest field of stars
Starfield Press
is the parent label
for fiction and literature
laced with spiritual
and metaphysical overtones
Akasha Shore
is the nonfiction imprint
delivering spiritual and evolutionary
material dedicated to oneness
and awakening in all forms
Starfield Press was conceived in the summer of 2012 by author and artist Lloyd Matthew Thompson as a publishing label for his own written works, with a vision to also assist others in launching their own spiritual and metaphysical works and messages into the world. However, as quickly as unsolicited manuscripts began rolling in, it became clear just as quickly that this was not truly a part of the vision. Starfield then returned to only Lloyd’s titles and curated anthologies featuring guest authors and contributors.
Early 2020 saw the arrival of a new starfield imprint, Akasha Shore, as a home for sacred texts and other non-fiction projects.
With a desire to exist in the freedom-inducing space of a focus that is not on money or profit, the Starfield vision is one of ministry, healing, and personal growth above all. These far outweigh any temporary profit that may or may not arrive.
Starfield Press is dedicated to serving and will always generously choose that which is for the benefit of all.
Thought-provoking metaphysical, holistic, religious, and psychic topics will often be found here through fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, promoting growth, expansion, and healing on every level.
The primary aim of Starfield Press is to identify outdated mindsets and stagnant boxes and burst them wide open, clearing the heart and mind for personal enlightenment, global healing, and universal evolution.
If we’re not dead, we’re not done.
Newest Titles

The Energy of God
THERE IS A LOVE that so desires others to be free from suffering that it’s willing to do whatever it takes for that freedom. This love is the mission of the Buddhist bodhisattvas, the actions of the Catholic saints, the selfless acts of countless heroes in myths, books, and movies who help or save the lives of others, often at the cost of their own life or comfort.
It’s the sort of love that changes lives.
Revisiting the final week in the life of Yeshua—Jesus of Nazareth—The Energy of God is a fresh, modern look at what holy, enlightened love can look like here and now, and what that means for us in our own day and age.
Wise One
THIS BOOKLET IS A new understanding of a sadhana for the wisdom buddha Manjushri. Manjushri is the Bodhisattva of wisdom, gentleness, mindfulness, and meditation, as well as being an inspiration to writing, music, and singing. The Sanskrit name Manjushri means “gentle friend.”
You will find first a more traditional rendering of the text, followed by the updated rendering, and finally an expanded commentary on the updated rendering.
A sadhana is a mantra or prayer focusing on certain qualities you wish to inhabit. You may also recite a sadhana as an opening of a channel or a portal, to simply usher the energy of the specific qualities listed into this world. Meditation on and reflection on a sadhana helps to add those qualities to your own character.

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